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Indian Arts Circle of New Orleans is a small, really small, group of people who have made New Orleans their home and have adopted dissemination of Indian Classical Music to be their vocation. We started out with private house concerts in 1990, and have graduated to hosting acclaimed as well as rising musicians at prestigious venues in town, forever preferring quality over quantity.
The aims and objectives of Indian Arts Circle NOLA are the following:
To organize concerts by accomplished Indian classical performing artists
To enrich the cultural life of New Orleans by introducing yet another element of music among the thriving indigenous Jazz and Blues tradition, and
To increase awareness of the diverse classical heritage of India.
IACNO strives to bring as much variety as possible and maintain a balance between various styles of classical music and dance. Past performances have included ballet (The Living Tree) and concerts by upcoming as well as world-renowned instrumentalists and vocalists.
Indian Arts Circle NOLA has been an active participant in the rebuilding efforts of the New Orleans region in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina of 2005. We donated to Tipitina’s Foundation in 2006 to assist local musicians impacted by the storm.
Continued support from avid listeners and patrons from the local community have nurtured our organization from its fledgling beginning through its current state. Years of search and concerted effort from IACNO members have culminated in a partnership with the Loyola University College of Music. We are excited at this opportunity to be associated with such an illustrious music institution in a city already steeped with its own indigenous Jazz and Blues heritage. With your assistance, we hope to present an exemplary evening to the audience as well as the Loyola University community to ensure permanence of this new collaborative effort.
Indian Arts Circle NOLA is forever in need of volunteers and patrons. We invite music lovers to get actively involved in our event preparations. With your assistance we wish to offer more quality programs, hold lecture-demonstrations and expand our collaborative effort with Loyola University.
Website By Nandini Pethe